Saturday, March 14, 2009

Last night, Mike's sister and her fiancee came into town so we have been hanging out with them. It's been a blast for them to see how big Michael is getting just in the short amount of time since they saw him last. We woke up, got ready, and went to the mall and breakfast with everyone then we went back to Mike's mom's house for some karaoke, Guitar Hero, and Scene It on the Xbox 360. Michael was having fun dancing along with all the music and playing with the whole family. We did wear him out a couple of times today though. Having a baby sure is a lot of work, but the magic of being a parent and watching your child give kisses and high fives or smile and giggle is a joy and love that is indescribable and so amazing. We had our first bad restaraunt experience today at breakfast. Michael was tired so he threw his puffs snacks all over the floor and he started getting fussy. But luckily between me, Mike, Ann, Stephanie, and Mike (Stephanie's fiancee), we were able to keep him occupied with some jam, spoons, and french toast. We have learned a valuable experience: no sit down restaraunts when your baby is tired. Lol. I know we have thousands of lessons to learn and parenting and I look forward to each challenge. I know that in working together, Mike and I will conquer each one. Well, we'd better get back to some Guitar Hero! I posted some of our pictures from today. The first photo is Michael taking a nap after a long day of fun and play, we have a picture of his adorable faux hawk that Aunt Stephanie gave him, and then finally is Michael after his morning bath in his ducky robe.