Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fun and Then Sick Baby

Michael Mini-Golfing
Life is good, as always. I lucked out and last week while driving to a doctor's office for work I drove by an adorable daycare by my work (it looks like a castle) and I called to ask about their rates just out of curiosity. They told me it would be $113/week for 3 days then asked if I wanted to come see it. I told them we were looking at an in-home daycare that would charge us $60/week and that we really couldn't afford much more. The girl then called the owners and called me back to tell me that they would match that price! So Michael started there on Monday and it's great. They have a security code to get into the daycare and offer an amazing curriculum. Plus, it's not even five minutes from my work office. :)

On Saturday, we went to Wahooz and played mini-golf with our good friends Russell and Sarah. As soon as we walked in, Michael eyed a stuffed Elmo. Our Fun Package came with 10 tokens each and we were able to come up with all but 100 tickets needed for the Elmo. They weren't willing to work with us on the Elmo, so Russell and Mike went back to get those tickets... and they ended up with 400 more! So Michael was spoiled and walked away with an Elmo and a four square ball. He also decided that by the second round of mini-golf, he was playing and mommy was watching. Lol. He took over my club and ball and it was adorable to watch him try and get it in the hole. He did actually get a hole in one on one hole and we were shocked! It was awesome. Unfortunately, Sunday he was really cranky and miserable so we weren't able to make it to Stephanie's baby shower.

Then last night.... I woke up at 12 to Michael just screaming and upset. I let him come lay with us and tried to get him to go back to bed, but it just wasn't happening. He kept crying and tossing and turning. I didn't know what was wrong with him...until about 1:30. I was still trying to comfort him when all of a sudden he screamed a few times, then threw up all over me, the bed, Mike's pillow, and our blankets. It was awful! This is so much worse than spit up. I am terrified of throwing up, then I got thrown up on and I was mortified. I just kept rubbing his back and trying to calm him down. Once he finished, we cleaned up, changed our clothes and washed off, and laid back down. I thought we were in the clear and that maybe he made himself sick from crying, but then around 2:30, it happened again. The poor little guy was up almost all night throwing up. By the end of it all, we were down to tiny little blankets and decorative pillows because unfortunately a toddler can't tell you he's going to throw up or even get a running start for the bathroom. We're home sick today, and I'm a little nervous since I've never had to really care for a toddler with the flu. I'm just trying to make sure he keeps hydrated, eats slowly, and hopefully he'll get a good amount of sleep so that he'll be back to normal by tomorrow.

My new job is so amazing! I called to let them know what happened and I was terrified they would be upset (I've only been there a month or so and it looks so bad to have to call in), but my boss said they understand, they all have kids and are real people and have been in this situation. He told me it wasn't a big deal at all. I feel so fortunate to be working for such an amazing company and I can't wait to get back to work tomorrow.

Another really cool thing that happened this week was that a friend from elementary school in Utah (I haven't seen her in 13 years!) found me on Facebook! Her name is Janie and we were best friends. We used to play all the time and we loved to sing along to the Phantom of the Opera. We never kept in touch after I moved and she said all she knew was my name and that I had a dad who lived in Idaho. She found my facebook page with a link to this blog and she said as soon as she opened it, she knew it was me because Phantom of the Opera was playing. Lol. How cool is that? I'm so excited!