Monday, June 22, 2009

More Pics....

Looking at Wahooz

Playing Wac-A-Mole

I don't Know

I don't know again


Bath Time...


Michael's First Birthday Pics and Video

Michael All Tuckered Out After His Party

Michael's Personal Cake

Everyone else's cake

Birthday Boy

Balloon Fun

Michael and Mommy

Gimme Five

Cake... Yum...

PlayPlace Fun (But ONLY If Mom Is There)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Life is Amazing....

Well a year has come and gone and it's been so busy in our lives. Michael celebrated his first birthday on June 6 at Wahooz. He was adorable! We chose that place so that the little one could play in their big play place, but Michael was too scared to go through alone, so he just walked around and talked to everyone and flirted with another mom. When it came time for cake, he had no idea what to do so he just fussed a bit and eventually put some frosting in my face. Lol. He is now walking all over, he has started mimicking everyone (he clacks his toungue, he can twist his toungue from side to side, he wa-wa's like an indian, and he puts both hands up like he's saying "I don't know" or out in front of him with his palms up to say "All gone"). He truly is such a blessing and an amazing little guy. He is learning so much and truly coming into his own funny little personality. It's scary how fast this year has gone and I can only imagine how much faster the rest of the years will go. I wish I could hit the slow button on life to enjoy each stage a little more. I could never have imagined feeling more love than anyone could describe or the joy that moves me to tears when he goes to kiss me and hug me. No one can prepare you for the tremendous amount of work that comes with being a parent, and no one can prepare you for the amount of love and joy that will fill your life from that moment forward.

A poem I found that fits so well....

My Son Grows Up

author: unknown

Life is fleeting, years rush past...

and little boys grow up so fast!

Let me take time out to be

thankful mine is still here with me.

And though I'm busy through the day,

let me take time out to play...

Let me take time out to smile,

to sit with him for just a while...

Let me take time out for walks,

for swings and sports and quiet talks,

for sharing giggles, tickles, and hugs,

for patching knees and catching bugs...

for running races, climbing trees,

for helping with his A - B - C's...

For hatching plots and planning schemes,

for listening to his thoughts and dreams.

Let me tuck him in at night,

hear his prayers, turn off the light.

And when my busy day is done,

let me thank God I have a son.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Michael's First Birthday!

Wow, one whole year gone just like that. Our beautiful baby boy is one today, 20.4lbs, and 30inches long (he had his one year well baby check up this morning so we know for sure, lol). He doesn't weigh much (he's only in the 20%), but he's VERY active and he's in the 75% margin in height. He's amazing! He's so happy and sweet and he's completely loveable and irrisistable! He isn't completely walking yet, but when he does, he is so proud of himself that he claps and giggles and it just melts your heart. To celebrate his first year, we went to the zoo today with Grandma Citton and had a fun filled, spoiled kind of day. He was so excited about the animals. His favorites were the Meerkats, where they were all lounging and playing and one was interacting with Michael right up by the glass. He also got SUPER excited about the serval who was pacing back and forth right up at the front of his exhibit, so excited that he was trying to pull himself out of the stroller. He got to get up close to the lions who were lounging in the shade right by the glass, and he was spoiled by Grandma in the gift shop. He had a very busy day today, but a lot of fun. It's so hard to believe that one year has come and gone so quickly. It's almost scary how fast it has gone and I feel like I haven't had enough time to enjoy each moment, but I am also loving the moment we are in and excited for all that is to come. He was also spoiled by Uncle Daniel, Aunt Heather, and cousin Karmen yesterday. Daniel can't be at his party on Saturday so they gave Michael his gifts yesterday and he was given a neat numbers book, an adorable crab swim robe and swim trunks, some sweet baseball shoes and adidas socks, his first baseball bat, a couple of adorable shirts, and an amazing castle jumper that inflates and creates a safe and soft play area and jumper. He hasn't even had his party and he's already being spoiled. :) What a lucky little man he is. We are sad to see one year gone, but we look forward to each moment we will get to experience with Michael in each year to come and we know that life is precious and to enjoy each day as it comes and not take anything for granted.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Life Moves So Quickly!

What a year this has been. Michael turns one tomorrow and the changes he has gone through and the growth he has experienced, is absolutely amazing. He has gone from a tiny, helpless, quiet, 7lb baby boy to a walking, talking, playful, and sweet toddler. Life has begun moving so quicklyh, that I wish I had more time to enjoy the now moments before they move on. I feel like each month is only a second of time and it goes much too fast. Before being a mom, I felt like time moved too slow, but now I feel like I'm struggling to slow it down. Michael has become a truly amazing little man. His smile melts hearts, his kisses warm your soul, when he says your name it brings tears to your eyes, and his laugh brightens the world. He is the greatest gift we could have ever been given and he has brought so much more meaning to our lives. Being a mom has been amazing. It's so much harder than I ever thought, but it has taught me so much. I have learned selflessness, how to enjoy the small things, to appreciate the small wonders of this world, how to grow up and to be responsible, and what true love really is. My baby boy is just growing too fast.