Friday, January 29, 2010

Moving Day!!! It's Official!!

On my lunch break today at work, I was able to pick up the keys to our new home. Everything is official and it's finally here! We can begin our life togethher as a family again and start new. I am so excited and feel so blessed that everything has fallen into place as it needs to for this to work. :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Countdown is Almost Over!!!!

This is how Michael starts his morning- cuddling with a blanket and watching SuperWhy and Curious George on TV until he gets his energy going. ;)
Michael has a large stuffed tiger that he ADORES! The other day he threw it into his bed and this is how I found him that night.

We drove to Twin Falls to visit Aunt Steph and Uncle Mike a couple of weeks ago and after a full day of fun and playing, Michael was sure worn out on the way home.

Over the last few months we have been working on buying a gorgeous new condo and now it is official. We had our final walk thru on Monday and we signed all the papers and got everything set up to transfer the title into our name yesterday. Just two more days and the house is ours to move into and make our home. :) It's been a long and emotional ride because we've made some poor choices in our past when it comes to our finances, but we've learned what is important and that no longer means having the house, nice cars, new toys, and still going out and playing around all the time. I have been able to sell my 2004 Malibu to get a paid off 2000 Elantra and we've paid all our debts so we are going into this house with a clean slate and fresh start. We are going into this with a better perspective and we will not make poor choices like we have in the past.
It's a new year, a new life, and a new start and I know this is going to be an amazing year!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Getting Fit in 2010

Wow! So I have made it my New Year's resolution to get back in shape. I am starting with a goal of going to the gym 3-4 days a week and I want to work my way to 5 days a week eventually. I have a membership to Gold's Gym and they offer a lot of classes to help get fit. Last night I went to the gym with my friend Sarah and we took a Body Flow class which incorporates Yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates all together. Well, we were in over our heads. Lol. We thought we were going to go to a relaxing and easy class, but instead our legs were shaking like jello and I have never sweat like that before. Lol. It was amazing and I now know why celebrities swear by it. I am sore today, but I feel good. It's definitely a class I'll be taking often. I now have two classes I love to help me reach my goal. The other class is Body Jam which is a high intense cardio dance class. It's a full hour of non-stop dancing and it's so much fun! They have a great child's area with a lot of toys, a castle and helicopter, amazing kitchen/bistro, tv's, coloring, and lots of other kids to play with so Michael gets to go lay while we work out. So here's to a New Year and getting fit!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Fiesta Baby!!!

WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! Lol. Last night, we all watched Boise State play an amazing BCS bowl game against TCU. We are considered the nation's best offense and we were playing the nation's best defense and with a couple of amazing plays, we came out on top for a win of 17-10 and an undefeated season once again of 14-0. We sat at home to watch the game and Michael was enjoying it just as much as the rest of us. Lol. He had his jersey on early in the game, but even after he got ready for bed, he was glued to the TV and holding his little BSU football as he watched. It was a great game and a great win that will hopefully make those big BCS-wigs take notice to what a great team we are. To make things better, I won a commemorative Fiesta Bowl football in a display case this morning on the radio! I'm so excited and proud of our team!

Monday, January 4, 2010

It's a Boy!!! Soon we will meet Matix!

Blase and his fiancee Marissa found out this morning that we will be getting a new baby boy to the family the end of May! I am so excited and happy for them and Michael will have a boy cousin here soon to play with! Time to start shopping!!!! They have decided to name him Matix (pronounced "Mattox"). Michael and Matix.... cute. :)