Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Here We Go!!!!

Yay! I am so excited. In only 3 hours, we will be headed to Salt Lake to visit family. We will be able to visit with all our family who we miss so much, meet a few new family members, and we will get to let Michael experience a "real" zoo and Lagoon! It's going to be a fun week and we can't wait to get there. The countdown is nearing to a close and our antsy"ness" is getting high! :) Michael's excited too, here he is practicing his car skills for the trip. Lol.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I Finally Got Pictures!

Today was the first time we bought Michael a full portrait package. We finally got around to his 1 year pictures and they are adorable. I am still amazed by how much he has grown and how much he continues to grow every day. We are so excited to watch him grow and learn and become a man. This first year has flown and it has been wonderful and we have many more to go!